Diamond Thai Boxing memberships

unlimited membership $45 per week

unlimited package gives you full access to all classes 6 days per week and also allows you opportunity too represent the gym in competition and be a fighter all people wishing too fight must be on full membership and follow fight program.

part time membership 2 day per week $30

part time membership is perfect for people looking too mix training up and add extra fitness and fight training into there routine .

casual visits $20 per class

casual visits are available for convenience of people with busy schedule allow you access for a day after each purchase.

“Embark on a journey that will challenge and empower you, come in and discover why muay thai is one of the fastest growing sports in the world build fitness ,fight skills and build a better stronger version of yourself while also learning life long skills that you can pass on for years too come.

Get ready to start your martial arts journey with a free trial class